
PANTIP A popular Internet forum among Thai people

pentip logo

Pantip.com is a popular internet forum for Thai people of all ages. A variety of topics on this website attract its numerous users. In particular, people who are interested in on-going trends or current social events can easily get up-to-date information from here. Pantip.com has become one of the most-visited websites in Thailand.

alexa traffic ranks

Traffic Statistics of pantip.com, updated on July 2018.(http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/pantip.com

According to Alexa (2018), Pantip.com is ranked as the 5th most-visited website in Thailand. The top 5 ranking of most-visited websites in Thailand are, in order, google.co.th, youtube.com, google.com, facebook.com, and pantip.com. Even though Pantip is not the most visited website, it is the most popular Thai-owned internet platform.

thai website ranks

The ranking of the most-visited websites in Thailand.(http://www.alexa.com/topsites/countries/TH

Why is Pantip.com so popular? Here are the reasons behind the website’s impressive achievement.

1. The forums are separated into 38 different main topics and categorized with more than 15,000 tags, which means that Pantip attracts a wide range of users.

Listed below are the topics in each discussion area.

pentip corner

The list of discussion corners(http://pantip.com/

  1. Kon krua:Restaurants, recipes, bakery
  2. Green zone:Environment, Green Living
  3. Krung Seoul:K-Pop, Korean drama
  4. Klong:Cameras, video cameras
  5. Cartoon:Japanese animation, cartoons, cosplay
  6. Gadget:Gadgets, action cameras, drones, game consoles
  7. Gallery:Portraits, pictures
  8. Klai ban:Studying abroad, working holiday, visa
  9. Chatuchak:Pets, gardening, hobbies
  10. Chalerm krung:Singers, songs, musical instruments, concerts
  11. Chalerm thai:Movies, actors
  12. Charn reun:Family, child raising
  13. Chai kaa:House, mansion, furniture
  14. Silicon Valley:Computers, games, programing
  15. The Old Siam :The elderly, health care for the elderly
  16. Thogh kreong pang:Cosmetics, diet, fashion
  17. Tanon nak khene:Novels, fiction, writing
  18. Blue Planet:Inbound tourism, international tourism, airlines
  19. Bang khun prom:TV dramas, silver screen actors, TV programs
  20. Bang rak:Love, marriage, married life
  21. Prommachad:Fortune telling, Feng shui, Tarot cards
  22. Pantip:Enquiries and suggestions to Pantip.com
  23. Phommi pak:Regions in Thailand
  24. Maboon krong:Smartphones, mobile devices, tablets
  25. Raummit:All topics
  26. Rachada:Cars, motorbikes, traffic
  27. Racha dum nern:Politics, government, law
  28. Rai sang kad:Unspecified
  29. Sala Pracha khom:Social issues, life problems
  30. Sard sana:Religion, temples
  31. Supha shala sai:Sport, athletes
  32. Siam square:Teenage life, study, school, university
  33. Suan loom:Physical health, mental health, hospitals
  34. Sin thorn:Economics, banks, investment
  35. Silom:Business, SME
  36. Wha kor:Science, engineering, technology
  37. Hong samut:Books, novels, language, history
  38. Hor sin:Art, drawing

A variety of forum topics expands Pantip’s target users. Despite rapidly changing social trends, this allows people of all age to discuss their interests with others.

thai topic thread

A thread about a famous incident in June 2018 “Thai junior soccer team cave rescue”(https://pantip.com/topic/37803852

In addition, there are special corners for interesting threads; Pantip Now, Pantip Pick, and Pantip Trend. Threads that show a rise in popularity within 10 minutes will appear in Pantip Now. Threads recommended by Pantip staff will appear in Pantip Pick. And the most popular threads over 24 hours will appear in Pantip Trend.

Aiming to create a high-quality society with high-quality contents, Pantip.com will send a present to any user whose thread is selected for the special areas. The present will be sent to a registered address via postal mail.

pentip now corner

“Pantip Now” corner(https://pantip.com/#now

Tags are used to categorize threads into different forum topics. One thread can appear in different areas at the same time, depending on the tags. Threads with randomly added tags have been causing inconvenience to other users. Nevertheless, if an unrelated tag is seen and reported, Pantip staffs will remove it in no time.

2. Vote for your favorite content, make it a “thread recommended by users”!

thread point btn

Point-giving button(https://pantip.com/topic/37108222

user article list

“Recommend Threads by Users” lists(http://pantip.com/forum

Users who identify themselves by means of a resident card or passport will be able to vote for their favorite post by awarding a point. The threads with the most points will be added to the list of “Recommend Threads by Users” located on the top of each forum. As a result, people can easily view quality-approved threads. In order to prevent point-cheating, users who have not identified themselves can leave comments but cannot vote.

3. Interesting threads can be shared on social networks and quickly spread throughout the internet.

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Share buttons(https://pantip.com/topic/37854488

Threads posted on Pantip.com are easily accessible because they can be shared to Facebook or Twitter by just clicking buttons in the bottom right corner. Moreover, other popular Thai-related Facebook pages often share and make further comments on contents from Pantip.com. As a result, Pantip’s forums are viewed by a large number of people.


pentip official facebook

Pantip.com Official Facebook Page(https://www.facebook.com/pantipdotcom

In July 2018, the Pantip.com official Facebook page had reached over 2.6 million likes and followers.

4. Comments and feedback by various users. Pantip.com acts as an alternative consulting service for Thai people

consultations on love thread

“On our first date, she ordered Kaeng Som Kung after I ordered Tom Yum Kong. Should I continue dating her?” A forum asking for an advice on dating.(https://pantip.com/topic/36776315

Since there are numerous users on Pantip.com, people tend to come for advice and opinions on their personal issues such as love life, family, study, investment, etc.

The graphic above is one of the popular consultation threads. A guy felt uncomfortable when his dating partner ordered a dish with a similar taste and similar ingredients to the dish he already ordered. Concerned about her choice of food, he asked if he is too picky or whether the girl was bad-mannered. Thai people usually share the food they order, so it is considered rude to order a similar dish. Many people responded to this topic. Some agreed that this girl showed a lack of common sense, while some said that people should not be judged too quickly. Opinions are exchanged on Pantip.com.

We have come up with 4 main reasons behind Pantip’s popularity. Apparently, Pantip.com is not only a large and easily accessed internet society; it is so popular that information exchanged here can make an impact on the whole Thai society. Aiming to maintain the website’s high quality, Pantip.com will continue to improve its functions and increase its level of popularity.


"Pantip.com Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa" http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/pantip.co

"Top Sites in Thailand - Alexa" http://www.alexa.com/topsites/countries/TH

"Pantip - Learn, Share & Fu" http://pantip.com

"10 เว็บยอดฮิตที่คนไทยเปิดบ่อยที่สุด" http://www.aripfan.com/10web/

"Pantip.com - Home | Facebook" https://www.facebook.com/pantipdotcom

"ไปเดทครั้งแรก ผมสั่งต้มยำทะเล /ผญ.สั่งแกงส้มกุ้ง ควรไปต่อดีไหมครับ" https://pantip.com/topic/36776315

"รวมมิตร" http://pantip.com/forum

"รวมโมเม้นท์น่ารักๆ ของนักข่าวต่างประเทศที่มีต่อเมืองไทย ในภารกิจช่วย 13 หมูป่า " https://pantip.com/topic/37854488